Regering-Microsoft skandal i Australia i avslöjad

Government-Microsoft Scandal in Australia is Exposed; BECTA Pays Lip Service | Boycott Novell: "This is a major scandal and hopefully it’s just the beginning of it. This shows how a foreign commercial entity essentially runs the government rather than the people who elect their officials controlling the government or at least being served by it. The remainder of this article is also eye opening.

Over in the UK, a similar scandal is happening with BECTA, which seems to have turned into some kind of a Microsoft front that helps train (indoctrinate) children for a career in Windows and Office [1, 2, 3]. The heat has apparently gone up so much that BECTA now throws a little token to “open source”.


Det är via Øystein Johannessens twittrande jag hittar ovanstående. Man blir faktiskt lite förundrad - är det möjligt att det är sant och om så hur dj-a dum får man bli.

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